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Source code for dagster_dlt.translator

from import Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Optional

from dagster import AssetKey, AutoMaterializePolicy, AutomationCondition
from dagster._annotations import public
from dlt.common.destination import Destination
from dlt.extract.resource import DltResource

[docs] @dataclass class DagsterDltTranslator:
[docs] @public def get_asset_key(self, resource: DltResource) -> AssetKey: """Defines asset key for a given dlt resource key and dataset name. This method can be overriden to provide custom asset key for a dlt resource. Args: resource (DltResource): dlt resource Returns: AssetKey of Dagster asset derived from dlt resource """ return AssetKey(f"dlt_{resource.source_name}_{}")
[docs] @public def get_auto_materialize_policy(self, resource: DltResource) -> Optional[AutoMaterializePolicy]: """Defines resource specific auto materialize policy. This method can be overriden to provide custom auto materialize policy for a dlt resource. Args: resource (DltResource): dlt resource Returns: Optional[AutoMaterializePolicy]: The automaterialize policy for a resource """ return None
[docs] @public def get_automation_condition(self, resource: DltResource) -> Optional[AutomationCondition]: """Defines resource specific automation condition. This method can be overridden to provide custom automation condition for a dlt resource. Args: resource (DltResource): dlt resource Returns: Optional[AutomationCondition]: The automation condition for a resource """ auto_materialize_policy = self.get_auto_materialize_policy(resource) return ( auto_materialize_policy.to_automation_condition() if auto_materialize_policy else None )
[docs] @public def get_deps_asset_keys(self, resource: DltResource) -> Iterable[AssetKey]: """Defines upstream asset dependencies given a dlt resource. Defaults to a concatenation of `resource.source_name` and ``. Args: resource (DltResource): dlt resource Returns: Iterable[AssetKey]: The Dagster asset keys upstream of `dlt_resource_key`. """ if resource.is_transformer: pipe = resource._pipe # noqa: SLF001 while pipe.has_parent: pipe = pipe.parent return [AssetKey(f"{resource.source_name}_{}")] return [AssetKey(f"{resource.source_name}_{}")]
[docs] @public def get_description(self, resource: DltResource) -> Optional[str]: """A method that takes in a dlt resource returns the Dagster description of the resource. This method can be overriden to provide a custom description for a dlt resource. Args: resource (DltResource): dlt resource Returns: Optional[str]: The Dagster description for the dlt resource. """ pipe = resource._pipe # noqa: SLF001 # If the function underlying the resource is a single callable, # return the docstring of the callable. if len(pipe.steps) == 1 and callable(pipe.steps[0]): return pipe.steps[0].__doc__ return None
[docs] @public def get_group_name(self, resource: DltResource) -> Optional[str]: """A method that takes in a dlt resource and returns the Dagster group name of the resource. This method can be overriden to provide a custom group name for a dlt resource. Args: resource (DltResource): dlt resource Returns: Optional[str]: A Dagster group name for the dlt resource. """ return None
[docs] @public def get_metadata(self, resource: DltResource) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Defines resource specific metadata. Args: resource (DltResource): dlt resource Returns: Mapping[str, Any]: The custom metadata entries for this resource. """ return {}
[docs] @public def get_owners(self, resource: DltResource) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: """A method that takes in a dlt resource and returns the Dagster owners of the resource. This method can be overriden to provide custom owners for a dlt resource. Args: resource (DltResource): dlt resource Returns: Optional[Sequence[str]]: A sequence of Dagster owners for the dlt resource. """ return None
[docs] @public def get_tags(self, resource: DltResource) -> Mapping[str, str]: """A method that takes in a dlt resource and returns the Dagster tags of the structure. This method can be overriden to provide custom tags for a dlt resource. Args: resource (DltResource): dlt resource Returns: Optional[Mapping[str, str]]: A dictionary representing the Dagster tags for the dlt resource. """ return {}
[docs] @public def get_kinds(self, resource: DltResource, destination: Destination) -> set[str]: """A method that takes in a dlt resource and returns the kinds which should be attached. Defaults to the destination type and "dlt". This method can be overriden to provide custom kinds for a dlt resource. Args: resource (DltResource): dlt resource Returns: Set[str]: The kinds of the asset. """ return {"dlt", destination.destination_name}